As you embark on this exciting stage in your baby’s development, the journey from 6 to 12 months unfolds with remarkable milestones across various domains—physical, cognitive, social and emotional. We’ll take a closer look at these milestones, offering valuable insights into your baby’s development and sharing helpful tips and tricks to aid their progress.
Baby Developmental Milestones –
Physical Milestones:
During the period of 6 to 12 months, babies experience significant physical advancements. As they grow, babies start to conquer new abilities like sitting up on their own, crawling, pulling themselves up to stand and taking those wobbly first steps. They also refine their fine motor skills, allowing them to grasp tiny objects, play with toys and explore feeding themselves with finger foods.
Cognitive Milestones:
As babies play and discover the world around them, their minds really start to expand. They get curious about how things work and love solving little puzzles. It’s during this stage that they begin to understand that stuff still exists even when it’s out of sight.
Social Milestones:
As babies approach their first birthday, social interactions become richer and more frequent. They start to recognize familiar faces, respond when their name is called and show preferences for specific people or toys. Joint attention—a pivotal social skill—also develops, allowing babies to share attention with others and engage in simple games like peek-a-boo.
Emotional Milestones:
During the 6-12 month period, emotional growth becomes a crucial part of your baby’s development. During this time, babies become more attuned to their own emotions and those of others, showing a broader range of expressions and responses. They may show signs of attachment to primary caregivers, seeking comfort and reassurance during times of distress. Moreover, the onset of stranger anxiety and separation anxiety mirrors babies’ increasing understanding of social connections and engagements.
Supporting Your Baby’s Development:
As parents, caregivers & educators, there are many ways you can support your baby’s development during this exciting phase.
- Encourage lots of exploration and playtime by offering a variety of toys and activities that help develop both large and small muscle movements
- Engage in interactive games and conversations to promote cognitive and social development
- Respond sensitively to your baby’s emotions, providing comfort and security when needed.
Between 6 and 12 months, your baby enters a phase marked by rapid growth and exciting discoveries. By understanding and celebrating the milestones across physical, cognitive, social and emotional domains, you can provide the right and needed support and encouragement which will help your little one to thrive and reach their full potential. Cherish each moment of this remarkable journey and enjoy watching your baby blossom into a confident and capable individual.
Some references for information on Baby Developmental Milestones:
- ( This website, maintained by the American Academy of Pediatrics, offers comprehensive information on child development, including articles and resources specific to the 6-12 month age range.
- ( offers articles, guides, and expert advice on baby development, including milestones, activities, and parenting tips for the 6-12 month age range.
- What to Expect – Baby’s First Year ( What to Expect offers articles and guides on various aspects of baby care and development during the first year, including milestones, feeding, and sleep.